Monday, April 16, 2012

Structure and Fabrication Update: Week 2

While having access to a saw in lab, the PVC pipes used to create the frame for the SeaPerch were cut. Thenecessary lengths included: two 2 1/2", two 4", two 4 1/2", four 1 1/2", and four 5". These pieces of PVC were then assembled using "Elbow" and "T" joints and foam tubing, as per the given directions. Then, holes were drilled in the corners of each of the joints using a 1/4" drill bit in a handheld drill. These holes will allow the PVC chassis to fill with water allowing it to sink into the river while the foam will give a buoyant force. Adding the battery will act as ballast allowing the motors to have full control over the positioning of the SeaPerch while submersed. The completed chassis is depicted in the photographs below, showing three different angles.

Future goals for the upcoming week are to complete the motors, attach them to the chassis, and finish the rest of the fabrication in order to be ready for the Accepted Students' Day Showcase that will be occurring on Saturday, April 21st.

-Daniel Stenger
-Brian Bucci
-James Esser

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